What do you do on a rainy August Sunday? If you are Dr. Seuss you invite The Cat in the Hat to play. If you are a baseball fan, you sit in a rain delay. But if there is a temple dedication with all of Utah invited you put on your Sunday best and make a trip to the dedication.
And so it was today. There was no rain delay and there was no cat in the house to play. The gloom of rain hovered most of the day but didn't dampen the spirit of this sacred occasion. Our friends the Eden's brought their kids over in the morning so that they could go to the dedication. Parker was in heaven as he colored and ate graham crackers with them. The favor was returned as we participated in the afternoon and final dedication in the church house in Orangeville.
The dedication was uplifting and enlightening as Sister Allred, Elders Zwick and Ballard, as well as President Monson each addressed us. President Eyring's reading of the dedicatory prayer sealed the session as Elder Ballard led us in the hosanna shout. Coming out of the building and out into a drizzle of rain reminded us of many valuable lessons that the gospel and rain bring.
1. A sense of freshness and a new beginning
2. Heaven's open with bounteous blessings
3. There is always a refuge from the storm
4. The Lord is the source of all blessings
Fittingly as we drove home we saw in the distance a rainbow, another reminder of God's love for His children. And so it was that on this rainy Sunday the heavens were opened in many wonderful ways.